2023 Christmas Banquet Title

This year’s TOA KIDZ Annual Christmas Reunion Dinner was full of joy and many surprises. Amidst the fellowship and of course some light moments here and there, two things stood out.

I watched as the children introduced themselves with confidence and told the crowd their school’s name and their grade, including our “Little Big Shots.” For most Glory at Christmas BanquetGlory Speaking at the Christmas Banquetof them (especially the youngest) it was their first time speaking in front of many people. I listened as child after child validated the support they have received by mentioning the grades they had attained in school. Most of them had attained grade A or B in most subjects. Sitting at my table, I thought about how they have taken their educational opportunity seriously. This pool of bright minds is being prepared for a future that would otherwise not have been attained without the support of our partners.

Then came the most striking moment of the event when our “guest speakers” stepped to the microphone to share advice with their fellow students. Each one was a former Treasures of Africa Children’s Home resident and is now in college. Their speeches were filled with scriptural counsel and divine reasoning which dispensed knowledge and understanding with clarity. Their words mirrored the many years of biblical teaching, mentorship and instruction received while at Treasures of Africa.

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Your Support is Changing Lives Forever!

It is so encouraging to see the fruit of the long term generosity of donors to Treasures of Africa. These two videos follow the stories of two of our TOA KIDZ - from the young ages of five and six until today (over 15 years). This is a testimony to the power of investing in the lives of orphaned and abandoned children in Tanzania through Hidden with Christ Ministries. Enjoy these priceless stories of transformed lives!


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TOA Kidz Update

Oh, the joys of those who are kind to the poor! The Lord rescues them when they are in trouble. Psalm 41:1 NLT

One of the joys we experience at Hidden with Christ Ministries, is seeing the fruit of the generosity of so many donors who are “kind to the poor” as expressed in the scripture above. All who have donated to help educate poor children in Tanzania through our Treasures of Africa KIDZ project, can experience the same joy as they follow their progress in school and see their photos as they mature through the years.

In early July, we visited Treasures of Africa students who are schooling at two different boarding schools. Our first visit was to Hai Vocational Training Centre in Bomang’ombe, Tanzania. We have four students currently attending: Antoni (left) – studying Electrical Installation, Sabetina (second from left) – studying Food Production, and Jeremia (third from left) and Justice (right) studying Carpentry.


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More Stories About Our Treasures

  • A Baby Named HOPE

    By Rita Langeland A new baby joined the Treasures of Africa family. An abandoned two day old infant found in the bush went from unwanted to cherished in a single day. What a difference a day makes! One of the privileges we have at TOA is being able to choose a name for these precious treasures when they come to us without one. We take that responsibility quite seriously and we pray for God to reveal the identity He has for that child. We named this beautiful baby girl "HOPE" because we believe she will be a great encourager and "hope-giver" to other people during her lifetime. Please pray for Read More
  • From Sorrow to Blessing

    We can only imagine the anguish of a young mother in Africa who feels she cannot adequately care for her newborn son. Her desperation must have been overwhelming to do what she did on that day. Perhaps she was a single mother with no money and no extended family to help her. We don’t know for sure. All we do know, is that she bravely carried her bundled child to a local church in Moshi, Tanzania and stood in a prayer line. After waiting for a while, as a visiting Bishop prayed for those who patiently stood in line, she asked a nearby woman if she would hold her baby Read More
  • Lucy Created Her Own Video!

    Missionaries Vince and Vicki Welch work with our kids at Treasures of Africa doing tutoring each week. When 12 year old Lucy expressed a desire to learn how to make a video, Vince volunteered to teach her the ropes of working on the computer to put together a simple video. She made a video about her life at Treasures of Africa. We thought you would enjoy seeing TOA through Lucy's eyes!  
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