Meet the Children of Treasures of Africa



Birthday: August 3

It is hard to imagine the desperation in the heart of a woman who would leave her newborn baby girl - only hours old – in the middle of the bush. We only know she must have felt utterly despairing of life and hopeless of being able to raise that child.

A villager found the helpless babe and brought her to a hospital in the city of Moshi. She was then turned over to the government Welfare authorities who in turn brought her to Treasures of Africa Children’s Home.

This baby went from being unwanted to cherished in a single day. What a difference a day makes!

One of the privileges we have at TOA is being able to choose a name for these precious treasures when they come to us without one. We take that responsibility quite seriously and we pray for God to reveal the identity He has for that child. We named this beautiful baby girl "HOPE" because we believe she will be a great encourager and "hope-giver" to other people during her lifetime. Please pray for her health and well-being as this tiny baby grows in the loving atmosphere of her new Treasures of Africa family.


We are thrilled to report that Hope now has a FOREVER FAMILY!

TOA Children That Have Been Adopted

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